Sustained: Book Review

late night reviewer2
Sustained (Legal Briefs #2)
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, College, Adult, Fiction, Chick Lit, Humor
Rating: 5/5 stars

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Jake Becker is a defense attorney at a law firm in Washington, DC. If you want someone to get you out of the shit hole you’ve found yourself in, Jake is definitely your guy. Know for being cold and relentless, he puts up a great fight. Jake likes the control and certainty behind his job. He’s given facts that he works with and bends to work in his favour. So, when placed in a situation that is as touch and go as the one he finds himself in, it causes a case of uneasiness.

He doesn’t do uneasiness, ever. But somehow getting pickpocketed by a shit disturber of a nine year old has felt a little bit like fate play a few cards.

Chelsea McQuaid is beautiful but with six nieces and nephews all under her care now, she has had virtually no time for herself. When the two cross paths, they can feel the pure attraction between themselves. What they don’t know is that having one another in their lives is about to change a hell of a lot more than they’d ever expect. The more time they spend together, the more they change one another. Jake puts her and the kids before anything, but the fear of commitment doesn’t go away.

Okay, so I read Overruled. I did not like Overruled. I hated Stanton and felt terrible for Sophie. I’m sorry but that whole situation was the opposite of romantic and everyone was being dumb and I’ve never in my life wanted to shake characters as much as I did in that one book. I wasn’t even going to read the rest of the series.

Sustained was fantastic. AMAZING. I LOVED IT. 10/10, A++, PERFECTO. First of all, I loved that it was in Jake’s perspective. I thought for sure we’d get a dual perspective story… but somehow only reading it from Jake’s POV was enough. I mean either way I wouldn’t have minded, but I don’t know… it just made it so much better to see how much Chelsea affected him the whole time. Chelsea AND the kids.

Jake…. Jesus CHRIST. I MEAN COME ON!!!! He was cocky and he slept around but holy hell was he smokin’. He’s just this no bullshit kind of guy. He’s career driven and it shows in his work ethic. He gives little to no time to dealing with relationships and commitments that don’t involve his work. Which makes him sounds a lot worse than he is. I promise he isn’t that bad. Jake tries to hide what actually is out in plain sight… he has a big heart. I think that the book being told in only his perspective makes that clear almost immediately. He’s just so afraid of failing someone or something that he avoids it altogether.

Chelsea was a firecracker. I loved her. This girl drops everything for these six kids, her family, and she’s 5’5” and alone doing this. She takes them on immediately, with no hesitation. You feel the love she has for them and these kids are all something special.

Chelsea’s brother passed away in a terrible accident that killed himself and his wife. They leave behind six wonderful kids – Rory, Raymond, Riley, Regan, Ronan, and Rosaleen. Each one is dealing with losing their parents in a different way, and Rory’s just seems to keep interfering with the law. Lucky for him, Jake seems to have taken him under his wing… along with the rest of the family. Chelsea seems like she’s in over her head but she’s got a handle on these kids. Yeah it’s hard, but even with two people six kids is a handful.

I loved all the kids differently… but my favourites that Jake interacted with were Rory and Regan. Rory was this little shit that mirrored exactly the kind of kid Jake was when he was younger. It’s not surprising that Jake takes a liking to him.

REGAN WAS ADORABLE. We start off with her only knowing one word – hi. So she uses it to replace every other word in the English language. She’d literally run around the house saying hi repeatedly. There was one point in the book where Jake was going to a Mommy & Me class with her (BIG HEART!!!!!) and the father sitting next to him was gloating about his kid. They ended up betting on whose kid would win and Jake’s way of getting Regan to focus was by saying that he’d let her hi him forever.


Regan also does this thing where she squeezes your face when she wants to talk to you. She’s so freaking cute.

I loved Jake with all of the kids. Regardless of what he was preaching throughout the book, he was perfect for them. It was a perfect fit. There was no way you could not love him with everyone in the story. He was just that A stand up guy.

Somehow Jake and Chelsea still find time for romance and they’re so steamy and wonderful together. But Jake still has one foot out the door. He kissed her and had sex with her with just unadulterated passion and desperation. I felt like he could never get enough of her.

Of any of them. You knew Jake was hooked the minute he dropped all of what he was doing to go take care of them all while they were sick.

UGH I JUST LOVED IT SO MUCH. IT’S MAKING ME CRAZY. I’m so happy this made it into my good books. I love Emma Chase’s writing style and I would’ve hated to have to put another book of hers on my DNF pile. BUT YAY!!

This book was funny, sad, sexy as hell, and just all around wonderful. A light read but filled with so much that you’re never going to be bored. You’ll either be laughing or blushing… maybe a few tears too.

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