Leaving Amarillo: Book Review

Book: Leaving Amarillo (Neon Dreams #1) Author: Caisey Quinn Genre: Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Music, Adult, Fiction, Chick Lit, Drama Rating: 4/5 Stars Okay so these books are my weakness. I’ve read the whole Neon Dreams series and holy hell am I ever happy with these books. After losing her parents in an unfortunate accident, Dixie Lark hasn’t had…

Roman Crazy: Book Review

Book: Roman Crazy (Broads Abroad #1) Author: Alice Clayton and Nina Bocci Genre: New Adult, Adult, Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Chick Lit, Humor, Romance, Contemporary Rating: 5/5 stars (very close to being 6, I’m trying really hard not to do this to myself every time) Avery Bardot wants nothing to do with her soon to be…

Play: Book Review

Book: Play (Stage Dive #2) Author: Kylie Scott Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult, Music, Humor Rating: 5/5 stars Mal Ericson is insane. With his manic behavior, he also holds a place as the drummer of the infamous band Stage Dive and is apparently looking to fake settle down. His plan of this fake…

Twisted Palace: Book Review

Book: Twisted Palace (The Royals #3) Author: Erin Watt Genre: New Adult, Young Adult, Fiction, Teen, Chick Lit, Humor, Romance, Contemporary Rating: 4/5 stars We know these Royals will ruin us, we were told from the start. But holy shit was that an understatement. That last book was a fucking rollercoaster from the beginning but…

Lick: Book Review

Book: Lick (Stage Dive #1) Author: Kylie Scott Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult, Music, Humor Rating: 5/5 stars All Evelyn Thomas wanted to do was celebrate her 21st birthday like a regular 21-year-old should, with lots of alcohol and mistakes. Don’t be disappointed, because she totally does, but she seems to make one…

The Covenant: Series Review

Book: The Covenant Series (Half Blood, Pure, Deity, Apollyon, Sentinel) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mythology, Romance, Paranormal Romance Rating: 4.5/5 stars Now usually I take the summary of the book I’m reviewing and make it my own, but this time I’m so worried I’ll get something wrong, that I’m just…

Slammed: Book Review

Book: Slammed (Slammed #1) Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult, Slam Poetry, Young Adult Rating: 5/5 stars Just thought I’d warn you all now… I’ve read this book six times. I’m not exaggerating at all. Six. Times. I love it. At 18 years old, Layken has already suffered a huge loss…

Falling For The Chance: Book Review

Book: Falling For The Chance Author: Kennedy L. Mitchell Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Fiction, Adult Rating: 3.8/5 stars Emily Heart has been in recovery mode for two years going. She used to have a life plan and had it all figured out, but this life of happiness was quickly stripped away when she lost…

Harry Potter And The Cursed Child: Book Review

Book: Harry Potter And The Cursed Child (Harry Potter #8) Author: J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Middle Grade, Theatre, Time Travel, Mystery Rating: 3.5/5 stars Guys… ugh. This is so hard for me to write. I wanted to read this book after having read and reviewed the rest in…

Take A Look At My Bookshelf!

Hello, hello my fellow readers! I know this isn’t a review, and there hasn’t been one in a while – I’m sorry! I haven’t been in much of a writing mood and its just ruined my will to write reviews. I’m working on a few now so hopefully I can have one of those up…

It Ends With Us: Book Review

Book: It Ends With Us Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult Rating: 6/5 stars Before we begin: I’ve had this ready to go for a bit but I wanted to make it my 100th post because of how much Colleen and her work means to me. I thought it’d be fitting…

Cream Of The Crop: Book Review

Book: Cream Of The Crop (Hudson Valley #2) Author: Alice Clayton Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Funny, Chick Lit, Women’s Fiction Rating: 6/5 stars Natalie Grayson is at the top of her own world. She’s got it all. She’s stunning and the lead of her advertising firm in Manhattan. She’s well known among her industry for being…