The “I Messed Up” Book Tag

Hello, hello!! I’m back again with another book tag! The ever so lovely Melissa @ Book Nerd Momo tagged me in the “I Messed Up” book tag and I’m super excited! Obviously go check her out either before or after you read this and give her blog some love! Again, sorry this took so long……

Top Ten Tuesday: Beach Reads!

The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookishhave put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme is Beach Reads Week (top ten great beach reads, ten books I plan to read on the beach, ten beach reads for those who don’t like typical ~beach reads~, ten authors…

The Disney Princess Book Tag

I found this on A Wanderer’s Adventures blog and I’m already excited about it. Misfit Alexa’s blog is to thank for being the original creator but thanks to both for giving me the idea. I’m obsessed with all things Disney. As a 21 year old, there are probably more grown up things I could and…


Hello again! It’s been a while, right?! I’m sorry for being so back and forth with my posts and reviews. I had a whole plan for these book memes – I still do – but because school sucks and I have homework and exams coming out of my ass… I’m currently stuck doing everything BUT…

Top Ten Tuesdays

The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookish have put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme (which just so happens to be my very first Top Ten Tuesday contribution) is ten songs you wish were books. So here are a few of the songs I’ve…