Slammed: Book Review

Book: Slammed (Slammed #1) Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult, Slam Poetry, Young Adult Rating: 5/5 stars Just thought I’d warn you all now… I’ve read this book six times. I’m not exaggerating at all. Six. Times. I love it. At 18 years old, Layken has already suffered a huge loss…

It Ends With Us: Book Review

Book: It Ends With Us Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Fiction, Romance, New Adult, Contemporary, Adult Rating: 6/5 stars Before we begin: I’ve had this ready to go for a bit but I wanted to make it my 100th post because of how much Colleen and her work means to me. I thought it’d be fitting…

Top Ten Tuesday: Beach Reads!

The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookishhave put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme is Beach Reads Week (top ten great beach reads, ten books I plan to read on the beach, ten beach reads for those who don’t like typical ~beach reads~, ten authors…

The Disney Princess Book Tag

I found this on A Wanderer’s Adventures blog and I’m already excited about it. Misfit Alexa’s blog is to thank for being the original creator but thanks to both for giving me the idea. I’m obsessed with all things Disney. As a 21 year old, there are probably more grown up things I could and…


The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookish have put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme is Ten Books Every Book Lover Should Read. Now I know it’s supposed to be more specific… but I think that it’s important that this list applies to everyone. It has…

Top Ten Tuesday

The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookish have put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme is ten books to read if you are in the mood for x. X being whatever you choose… and I choose romance. We all know my obsession so this should really…

Hopeless: Book Review

Book: Hopeless (Hopeless #1) Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Abuse, Contemporary, Chick Lit, Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Drama, High School Rating: 6/5 stars   I’m going to start off by questioning how anyone could have a negative review about this book. While I understand where some are coming from, I question whether…

November 9: Book Review

Book: November 9 Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Romance, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Rating: 6/5 stars  Okay so of all reviews I’ve ever written, and really it hasn’t been that many but still, this is my favourite. I end up loving most authors I find in romance. They each have something great to offer and I can’t help but enjoy…