The Covenant: Series Review

Book: The Covenant Series (Half Blood, Pure, Deity, Apollyon, Sentinel) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mythology, Romance, Paranormal Romance Rating: 4.5/5 stars Now usually I take the summary of the book I’m reviewing and make it my own, but this time I’m so worried I’ll get something wrong, that I’m just…

The Problem With Forever: Book Review

Book: The Problem With Forever Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Romance, Young Adult, Contemporary, College, Fiction, Chick Lit, Realistic Fiction, New Adult, High School Rating: 4.5/5 stars Mallory Dodge has spent her whole life believing silence was her safety net. If she didn’t make a sound, nothing bad could ever happen. As she grew up…

The Disney Princess Book Tag

I found this on A Wanderer’s Adventures blog and I’m already excited about it. Misfit Alexa’s blog is to thank for being the original creator but thanks to both for giving me the idea. I’m obsessed with all things Disney. As a 21 year old, there are probably more grown up things I could and…


Hello again! It’s been a while, right?! I’m sorry for being so back and forth with my posts and reviews. I had a whole plan for these book memes – I still do – but because school sucks and I have homework and exams coming out of my ass… I’m currently stuck doing everything BUT…

Top Ten Tuesdays

The lovely ladies over by Broke and Bookish have put together a series of Top Ten lists for each Tuesday of the month. This week’s theme is ten books I enjoyed (somewhat) recently that weren’t my typical genre or type of book. I know it’s pretty late into the day, but better late than never! Red Rising…

Opposition: Book Review

SIDENOTE: We’re just going to ignore the fact that this cover looks NOTHING LIKE the other ones. If I talk about it, I’ll get annoyed. Book: Opposition (Lux #5) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Aliens, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Fiction Rating: 5/5 stars Everything she has ever known has…

Origin: Book Review

Book: Origin (Lux #4) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Aliens, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Fiction Rating: 5/5 stars All I want to do before every review is clench my teeth and scream. Honestly, I’ve been this invested in a total of three series (this being the fourth). The Throne…

Opal: Book Review

Book: Opal (Lux #3) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Aliens, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Fiction Rating: 5/5 stars Before the recap, I just wanted to say that I feel way too many emotions over this series. Also, there may be spoilers so just be prepared for them. Katy has…

Onyx: Book Review

Book: Onyx (Lux #2) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Aliens, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Fiction Rating: 5/5 stars UGHHHHHHHHHH THIS BOOK IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Okay so, if you’ve made it to Onyx, then you know a lot of shit has gone down. After saving Daemon and Dee’s lives,…

Obsidian/Oblivion: Book Review

Book: Obsidian (Lux #1) [and Oblivion] Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, Aliens, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Fiction Rating: 5/5 stars When Katy’s mom decides that she can no longer bear living in her home without her father, they pick up and move to West Virginia. In a town that…